The goal of hp is to allow you to pipe a function into help using the {magrittr} pipe, %>%.

Demo of the h function using code shown in the examples section


The development version from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")


This is a basic example which shows you how to solve a common problem:


# Simple single function
t.test %>% h

# Simple single function with parentheses
dim() %>% h

# Function but specifying package
dplyr::across %>% h

# Function but specifying package with parentheses
dplyr::summarise() %>% h


The h() function is designed to only work interactively.

Additionally, this package was created because the {magrittr} pipe doesn’t play well with piping in functions into the help() function.

This was fixed with the new native R pipe operator, |>.

dim |> help()

Note, the left side should not have parentheses or R will warn you that the help() function requires, “a name, length-one character vector or reserved word.”