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Create quasi-realistic data in Pandas

Edit 2021-03-02: it appears that as of 2020-01-06, the pandas.util.testing module has been deprecated.

I’m reading through some interesting tips for Python pandas and just sharing one that I found unique because it’s not something I thought would be built-in.

The neat feature I came across is the testing module in pandas. Here is some code to demonntrate

>>> import pandas.util.testing as tm
>>> import numpy as np
>>> np.random.seed(1234)
>>> tm.N, tm.K = 10, 5 # Specify rows and columns
>>> tm.makeDataFrame().head()
                   A         B         C         D         E
VtM1m0y5pX  1.230841  0.347694 -0.563551 -1.162548  0.928495
xPAERES8A2  2.000745 -0.554826 -1.780291 -0.206425  0.650911
64WCfqj2VY -0.672194 -0.804660  0.732865  1.054327  0.498752
W7mLIM6dNl  0.913888  2.476419  0.196534  2.555463  0.061842
aPlqdctmbl -0.404620 -0.245478  1.456968 -0.027662 -0.932364

It is but one of many other ways to create data, as shown with this fabulous list.

>>> [i for i in dir(tm) if i.startswith('make')]

Here you can find the code to all of these methods and their documentation.

Things to share

Vim macros

You can register a macro, or a series of commands, to any letter or number.

To create the macros, press


So you start and end with q.

To run this recently created macros, you press


where <number> is the number of times you want to execute the command, and <letter> is the letter you assigned the macro to.

More on macros here and in the official documentation

Output quick Python code through Vim

From the command line, you can run simple Python as

$ python -c 'import math; print(math.pi)'

Sometimes, you may want to output this value straight into a text file. And you might even want to do that without leaving Vim.

You can do it by running this

:r !python -c 'import math; print(math.pi)'