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How I created an RStudio addin, pyblack, to format Python code with black

I recently created a small (toy) project called pyblack. It helps format your Python code in RStudio with the popular formatter, black.

This started out with writing Python code in RStudio and wanting to format it, specifically in RMarkdown and Quarto code chunks. With R, RStudio has a built-in formatter, namely {styler}. I wanted a similar tool for Python, so here is a little behind the scenes on how I did this.

I actually created another RStudio addin called unnestIfElse to help automatically convert long nested ifelse() statements to a nicer dplyr::case_when().

I didn’t write my thoughts about it previously like I am with this addin, but looking at my comments, I may have inspiration from AlignAssign. This addin aligns assignment operators within a highlighted area.

Regardless, I have up to two places to draw code from that do what I want. Namely, I want some code to help take code from some highlighted area and then change it.

The first important function to learn about is the getSourceEditorContext() function. It comes from the {rstudioapi} R package1 and can extract highlighted text into an object.

capture <- rstudioapi::getSourceEditorContext()

This returns a nested list with, among other things, the selected text from an editor. This is progress.

After some exploration, I found that I could get the correct text using this2:

code <-
    capture %>%
    magrittr::extract2("selection") %>%
    magrittr::extract2(1) %>%

Next, I needed to figure out how to take this code and format it using black.

Using the system2() function, I can have R call system commands.

After some troubleshooting, I figured out how to also specify a pyproject.toml file for black to reference when following custom user configuration.

So I finally did enough troubleshooting to translate this

black -v --config ~/path/to/pyproject.toml

to this

    "--config ~/path/to/pyproject.toml",

I added the -v for future troubleshooting ease3.

Now how do I get to I found another example of prettifying code using prettifyAddins. At first glance, this would have done the job. But this only apply black to Python files. I wanted a way to format Python code chunks in RMarkdown.

But what I did get from this addin is the idea to write out the extracted code to a temporary file to be formatted.

tmpFile <- tempfile(fileext = ".py")
writeLines(code, tmpFile)

I got some feedback that if there are lots of code blocks, there will be lots of input/output writing that can cause things to slow down. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find a way to cleanly stream code directly to black without dealing with a long-troubleshooting-with-escaping-quotes headache4.

Now after styling with black, I can reinject the code using this code here.

contents <- style_black(code)
  location = capture[["selection"]][[1]][["range"]],
  text = contents,
  id = capture[["id"]])

This pulls the location metadata from the initial source context when we extracted the text from the editor.

All is well. My initial goal is done. But I got challenged to see if I could then apply this formatting on all Python code chunks in an RMarkdown or Quarto document.

Based on how I have been extracting code and replacing it, I expected a world of hurt from a number of for loops and making sure I was tracking code positions correctly5.

Thanks to Alex, they gave me code similar to the below that solves just this.

document <- parsermd::parse_rmd(file, parse_yaml = FALSE)

document <- purrr::modify_if(
  .p = function(chunk) {
    inherits(chunk, "rmd_chunk") &&
      identical(chunk$engine, "python") &&
      # Check whether code chunk explicitly says `black = FALSE`
  .f = function(chunk) {
    chunk$code <- style_black(chunk$code)

writeLines(parsermd::as_document(document), file)

I was mostly unfamiliar with the functions here, but ultimately, this makes use of the {parsermd} R package. This package parsed the Markdown-like document into an abstract-syntax tree (AST) to then be manipulated programmatically6.

With that complete, I now have two ways to format Python code:

  1. Style selected code that I highlighted
  2. Style all Python code blocks in an entire RMarkdown/Quarto document

The last step is to then specify my functions in inst/rstudio/addins.dcf so that RStudio knows these are addins like below.

Name: Style selection with black
Description: Style selected Python code with black
Binding: style_black_selection
Interactive: true

Name: Style active file with black
Description: Style active RMarkdown or Quarto Python code blocks with black
Binding: style_active_file_black
Interactive: true

In conclusion, I hope you’ve enjoyed learning a bit on how to programmatically manipulate text in RStudio and now have a reference for if you too want to create your own RStudio addin. Here is the project again if you want to take a look order try it for yourself

  1. ICYMI Posit has an API to programmatically access RStudio! 

  2. I like to use these convenient {magrittr} functions besides the %>% 

  3. This returns more verbose stdout and stderr when formatting 

  4. This only works for simple examples like black --code "print ( 'hello, world' )" 

  5. This especially gets messy when injecting new code that will then change the initial text positions. Sounds like some recursive programming that I don’t want to get into. 

  6. This package is magic. I want to learn what more I can do with this later.